Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Learning How To Smile.

Today was good and bad. You will be reading about the bad parts, this isn't Disneyland, afterall.

Poor Frac, she is a mess at certain times of the day. Today was sad in the sad parts because Frac misses Fric so much. The last couple days, Frac's Ma has been visiting her, and this lone fact makes Frac miss Fric ohhh soooo much. Frac and Mama Frac are having so much fun, doing all the things that Fric would LOVE to be doing with them (they are getting new tattoos tomorrow!). And also, Frac wanted Fric to know her family very badly. So the fact that Mama Frac is here, and Fric is so close, and Fric & Frac being an inseparable duo was so close to the present, it makes Frac really bummed. Though she is having a great time, and 85% of the day was glorious, it's these little 15%s that can ruin an entire mood.

In the case of today, Frac is fine. She saw a couple on the beach, the dude had dark brown hair, the girl was a beautiful strawberry blonde ginger covered in freckles...and it actually made Frac smile a little. Fric and Franny look good together - and the one belongs to the other, it was silly of Frac to think otherwise. For this day, though it's been a bit sad in parts, Frac is happy. It's sad to realize these facts about the three of them...but it's also peaceful. Fric and Franny have such a wide, deep history...they know eachother's everything. Thats incredible.

Frac was thinking today....she wouldn't give up her very bestfriend either, not for the best upgrade in town. Frac is beginning to understand in much more authentic ways.

Each day, she feels oceans better. It will be over soon :)

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