Saturday, July 31, 2010

Flashback: An Email from Utopia.

Hello my love. It's about 1:20am and I can't sleep. I can't sleep for a few hours after I get off work. It's a curse.

I was watching 'Community' on hulu. In that episode, some of the characters took a sailing class! They used a sail boat on a trailer in the parking lot. Isnt that great!? It made me hope for a sailing class! And it made me miss you a lot. So I decided to write you. Plus I figured I owe you at LEAST one email even though you didn't write me today :(. Or maybe yesterday I should say so hopefully you DO write me one today.

I love all the photos you send me. I love seeing your face and body. I want to hold you and sleep with you and wake up with you. And cook you breakfest and walk the dogs. I can go on forever. I just want to do everything with you. I feel my love growing for you everyday. It feels so amazing. Some people search their whole lives to feel like this. I am very thankful. You are such an amazing woman and I always want to tell you and let you know. I can not wait to see you. I can not wait to be able to be with you all the time. I think about it all day. I'm going to make it happen sooner than later I know it.
I am sorry if you thought I was being short about it earlier today. I wasn't. my boss was just pissing me off. I'll tell you later why. Anyway, I'm writing a fricken novel right now I think. And starting to get sleepy. I hope your haveing pleasnt dreams, hopefully about me, and I hope you have a great beautiful day. I'll txt you when I wake up. I love you sweet heart...with all of my heart.

Love, Fric.


I know exactly how that is. To love somebody who doesn't deserve it. Because they are all you have. Because any attention is better than no attention. For exactly the same reason, it is sometimes satisfying to cut yourself and bleed. On those gray days where eight in the morning looks no different from noon and nothing has happened and nothing is going to happen and you are washing a glass in the sink and it breaks-accidentally-and punctures your skin. And then there is this shocking red, the brightest thing in the day, so vibrant it buzzes, this blood of yours. That is okay sometimes because at least you know you're alive.

- Augusten Burroughs.

Cold Turkey?

Today is a sad day in here in FracLand, Frac has felt like she’s about to vomit all morning. After spending the last three days with Fric, Frac has decided to cut him loose. The truth of the matter has always been that he doesn’t love her. Frac decided last night that she doesn’t want to spend time with Fric anymore, at all. She decided this because she went through Fric’s text messages and read his conversations with Franny. Fric & Frac often go through eachother’s phone history - because there is no trust in their relationship. What Frac found last night, wasn’t at all devastating. It was minor. Yesterday Frac asked Fric if she could go with him a birthday party being thrown today...and he said he’s have to ask the birthday boy. And Frac thought that was fair enough. Later in the day Fric said that Frac could not go, because Franny would be there. Which obviously made Frac feel like she wanted to vomit up all her internal organs and drown in a puddle of her own blood. But she let it go, because this is the hell she signed up for. But then her terrible investigative reporting revealed that Fric had actually invited Franny to go to the party with him about an hour after Frac had asked if she could go. So what actually happened was that Fric doesn’t WANT to spend time with Frac anymore. Fric doesn’t want to be seen with Frac around his friends. Fric wants to fall right back into the same routine of Fric & Franny. And of course, that makes Frac feel awful.

Fric has always maintained that he is just “going with the flow” and he doesn’t know what he wants yet, and he can’t commit to Frac, until he does. And Frac, in her infinite loving patience, has accepted this as reality. She believed that Fric was all tangled up in his emotions. Frac believed him when he was always saying that he doesn’t WANT to love Franny, but that he can’t help it. Frac took it as truth when Fric compared loving Franny to slowly being poisoned to death. He always refers to his emotions for her as "poison". Frac trusted Fric, she believes what he says. She understands how love can be poison. Frac has felt love for someone who didn’t deserve it before, certainly. And she couldn’t pull her self she sympathizes with Fric. She wants Fric to find peace, and be happy. But of course, Frac wants that peaceful happiness to be found in her arms, not Franny’s. So, today Frac cut Fric loose. “Be free little butterfly”, and she released her cupped hands and unleashed him onto the world.

Fric of course, was scared. He defended his text messages and claimed that Frac had misread them. And in fact, she had. Franny was already planning to go, he just asked her if she’d like to go WITH him. But regardless, Frac had made up her mind. Much less time needs to be spend together.

The bummer of the situation is that Frac has done this before. On certain days she gets into a really great mental space and feels like she can let him go happily, and all will be right with the world. Some days she feels liberated and healthy and happy at the thought of not having Fric in her life anymore. Because, in fact - Fric & Frac will never work out anyway. So two times prior to today, Frac has resigned to let Fric go. She has openly supported the reunion of Fric and Franny. She is always letting Fric go. Each time she hopes it will stick, but so far, it hasn’t. The only thing that is different about today is that Frac told Fric this time. She said to him that they needed to spend less time together. Fric argued at first, he didn’t agree. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. But Frac was pretty consistent. She explained to Fric that they are never going to work out together. Ever. Not only will he always feel that loyalty to Franny - but also, Frac will never feel the way she did about Fric in the beginning. Because he has destroyed that beautiful Utopia where their love was created. Now, it will only be a broken, sad version of their love. If Frac hadn’t had to spend the summer waging this holy war against Franny, it may have worked out...but the fact of the matter is that SHE HAS had to. And Franny, has gotten zero of this heartache (Fric has given her lots of heartache, but none this summer). Fric doesn’t talk to Franny about Frac. Fric treats Franny like she’s the queen of the whole world. Anything she wants, she gets. Franny only gets the sweetest version of Fric, all icing and sugar. While Frac has to endlessly have conversations about Franny with Fric. Fric and Frac are always arguing. Fric goes to Frac and asks her how she thinks Franny feels about him. Fric and Frac have conversations when Franny is the only topic very often. Frac wants to be supportive and helpful and encouraging, she tries so hard. Because of this, Franny is always on Frac’s mind. Franny is a beautiful girl, and though Frac doesn’t KNOW her - she doesn’t doubt that she deserves all the riches of the world. Frac and Franny are very different girls - but Frac respects Franny. The only thing that takes from that respect is the fact that Franny would allow Fric to treat her like garbage, let him cheat on her “every weekend” (so Fric says), and break up with her whenever he wanted for 9 years...and consistently take him back. But as we’ve previously read - Frac doesn’t know about love like that. So maybe it’s outside her realm of understanding.

So today is a new chapter, hopefully. Hopefully Frac will be able to distance her heart from this terrible situation and gain some perspective. Hopefully Frac will be able to let Fric and Franny be together happily. She doesn’t want to feel jealous and envious and endless depths of despair - Frac wants to feel peace and love and gentleness. She wants to think of Fric and have positive memories come up. She wants to breathe again. Another fact is that Frac deserves a lot more than Fric and his callousness, she deserves to be loved the way Fric loves Franny goddamnit. Now hopefully, she can find it once his evil spell has worn off.

For tonight, Frac feels completely melancholy and ill and hopeless and is probably going to go get wasted with some underage hooligans at the beach and try to remember that she is untouchable.

Friday, July 30, 2010


So last night, Fric and Frac had a pretty in depth conversation - but it’s the same conversation they always have. They’ve had this conversation about 50 times. Fric feels bad, because he’s in love with two women. And Frac, being the sweetest angel that has ever graced the surface of the Earth - is forever trying to reassure him. Remind him that she think he’s amazing and is willing to risk the health of her entire heart for the off chance that, at the end of this bloody war - she’ll be victorious. When in fact, it’s almost certain that Frac’s troops will be slaughtered. The only reason she holds out is for the off chance that Franny changes her mind. Or something. Because, Fric has made it quite clear that Frac can be perfect in every way, have a slammin body, their time spent together can be 98% fun and 2% sleeping, she can give him everything - buy him the things he wants, fly him places, feed him, wash him, be unconditionally loving - and it will never be good enough. The second Franny tugs on Fric’s little leash, he will be gone from Frac’s life indefinitely.

But beyond that, Frac has been spending a lot of time thinking about why she is so unwilling to let Fric go. Much of it has to do with the fact that Fric loves Frac. Frac was raised in a cut throat pack of wild savages, and every time somebody falls in love with her - she is always shocked, and sure that this is the only person on Earth who will ever love her or understand her and she must hold onto that person. Frac spent almost every day of her childhood praying that her real parents would come for her any day. Or that her real mother would see her walking the streets with this asshole lady that had kidnapped her. She’s always known that her family is not a family at all - but merely a random gathering of people assigned to be near eachother. Frac would be a lot better off if she’d had a more loving clan, and wasn’t always afraid of everybody in the world leaving her. But alas, Frac is a little fuct up, Freud and I agree that it was because her parents got a divorce.

Regardless of the ridiculous need to have someone love her, why can’t Frac leave Fric to his life? Why does Frac feel an undeniable irresistible connection to him, so strong that she is willing to put her vital organs through a meat grinder for the 5% chance that Fric will love her? THAT we currently don’t know. But here are some interesting facts about Fric and Frac:

1. They have very few positive things in common. They like the same movies, they have dogs, they enjoy Mediterranean food, they are from California.

2. They have many negative things in common. They were both betrayed and violated in their childhoods. They both come from broken families. They both steal shit, do drugs, treat people like slaves, break laws, cheat on their lovers, have tattoos, judge harshly, encourage eachother to be worse.

3. Fric wants children, Frac does not.

4. Fric is a short temper, Frac lets him walk all over her.

5. Fric owes Frac two thousand dollars, and had the audacity to ask to borrow another two thousand dollars.

6. Fric is a dreamer, Frac is a realist.

7. Frac is a vegetarian, Fric is not.

8. Frac always tries to be healthy, Fric does not.

9. Fric smokes cigarettes, Frac does not.

10. Fric is a party animal, Frac is an introverted wall flower.

11. They both repeatedly treat eachother like garbage.

12. They bring out the worst in eachother.

13. They lie to eachother.

14. Fric often ignores Frac, whether she is sitting right next to him or in another state.

15. Fric is filled with dreams and plans and ambitions, Frac has none.

16. They often guilt trip eachother, make the other one sad, and are always trying to ruin eachother’s day.


Envy is awful. Unlike jealousy, which comes from the threat of losing what you cherish, envy is a dark desire for things over which you have no right to claim.

- Hilary Hamann.